Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

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Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

The Early Years Foundation Stage is developed to meet the needs of individual children, to help children get the best possible start in life. Greyfell Academy will take into account the different needs of individual children and tailor our approach to each child.

The Early Years Foundation Stages are organised into the areas below:

Prime Areas - Personal, Social and Emotional development, Physical development and Communication and Language.

Specific Areas - Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the world and Expressive arts and design.

The characteristics of effective learning describe behaviours children use in order to learn.

These are:

Playing and Exploring - children investigate, experience things and have a go.

Active Learning - children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties and enjoy achievements they make.

Creating and Thinking Critically - children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas and develop strategies for doing things.

At Greyfell Academy we strive to deliver all of the above so children achieve and learn to the best of their abilities by having exceptional environments to play in and highly trained staff to create excitement, wonder and ore through daily activities.

"Children are eager to learn and explore the wide range of activities provided for them" (Ofsted,22)

"Staff have high expectations for all children. They consistently use positive praise to encourage more good behaviour" (Ofsted,22)

"Highly skilled staff have excellent knowledge of how children learn and couple this with a very secure knowledge of each individual child's needs. This enables very successful promotion of children's care and learning" (Ofsted,13)

Iconnect Learning Journals

Iconnect is our online assessment system. The team at Greyfell Academy are able to assess, track and document children's learning, producing learning journals that encourage Parental/Carer engagement. Our team will make assessments across all areas of the early years foundation stage and the characteristics of effective learning. Parents/Carers are able to log into their own child's journal and look at what their children explore, achieve and learn at nursery. Parents/Carers are also very welcome to make comments and also upload photos and observations.

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